C O M P U T E R S - P L A I N - A N D - S I M P L E This is an offer for a book that will explain how a computer works. How to set up a hard drive, what the computer does when you boot it up. How the AUTOEXEC.BAT and the CONFIG.SYS work. How to run programs on a disk, what files can be run, what ones can be viewed. The book has an introduction, explaining computers. Next are the chapters Chapter 1. The components, such as the monitor, keyboard, disk drives, etc. Chapter 2. Booting the computer. What happens when this takes place. Chapter 3. Directory structures, what they are and how they work. Chapter 4. Getting started knowing what the computer wants from you. Chapter 5. DOS commands, what they are and what they do. Chapter 6. Wild cards the (*) (*.*) (.) (?), how to use them copying files. Chapter 7. Setting up the hard drive. Chapter 8. Running programs. Chapter 9. Viewing files. Using TYPE, LIST, EDIT and other ways. Chapter 10. Extensions, what all the COM, BAT, EXE, DOC extensions are. Chapter 11. Viruses, what they are and how they work. Chapter 12. Insurance. How to protect your computer and files. Chapter 13. Trouble shooting. What to do when things go wrong. Chapter 14. Disks. All about disks, how to format, copy etc. Chapter 15. CONFIG.SYS. What is this file and what it does. Chapter 16. Batch files, why they are important, how to write them. Chapter 17. Tips and hints, many things the manual never showed you. Chapter 18. Shareware, what it is all about and several disk offers. To order this book, send in this form and $12.95 + $5.00 Shipping and handling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPUTERS PLAIN AND SIMPLE 101 Computers Phone orders California time Fax orders (24 hrs) 250 Annahy Dr. Dept B 707-725-9750 9 am to 9 pm 707-725-1334 Fortuna, CA 95540 We accept ( )Visa ( )Master Card ( )Discover ( ) Check Amount $12.95 Card No_______________________________________________ CA Tax ______ Exp Date______/_______ Shipping $ 5.00 U.S. Funds please Total _______ Name__________________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________________ City__________________________________________________________________________ State____________________________Country______________________________________ Zip___________________________________________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------